The Sedentary Time and Activity Reporting Questionnaire (STAR-Q): Reliability and validation against doubly labelled water and seven-day diaries
The Sedentary Time and Activity Reporting Questionnaire (STAR-Q): reliability and validity against doubly labeled water and 7-day activity diaries. Journal: Am J Epidemiol | Pages: 424-435| Date: August 2014 | Authors: Csizmadi I, Neilson HK, Kopciuk KA, Khandwala F, Liu A, Friedenreich CM, Yasui Y, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Bryant HE, Lau DC, Robson PJ. We determined measurement properties Read more about The Sedentary Time and Activity Reporting Questionnaire (STAR-Q): Reliability and validation against doubly labelled water and seven-day diaries[…]