The Canadian Cancer Society’s Accelerator grants seek to accelerate the application of high-quality evidence addressing unmet, cancer-related needs (
Congratulations to Dr. Robin Urquhart, Scientific Director of Atlantic PATH and Dr. Trevor Dummer, National Scientific Co-Director of CanPath on their successful Accelerator grants!
Dr. Urquhart’s work will focus on adapting and implementing cancer patient pathways in Nova Scotia. The overarching aim is to implement and test evidence-based Cancer Patient Pathways as a coordinated approach to referral and early diagnosis is needed t oreduce delays and improve patient outcomes.
Dr. Dummer’s work will focus on preventing cancer in the gender minority populations. While existing cancer prevention strategies address the needs of the majority population quite well, alternate strategies that account for the needs of marginalized communities who are often at an increased risk of cancer are lacking. This work will synthesize existing practice and is related to Dr. Dummer’s current CanPath project, “Primary Prevention of Cancer-Causing Substance Use in Gender Minority People of Canada” (