- Evaluating the Impact of Including Virtual Dietary Education Within an Electronic Irritable Bowel Syndrome Pathway. PI: Dr. Jennifer Jones, Dalhousie University
- The Effect of Environmental Factors on Mental Health in Nova Scotia. PI: Alexandra Del Favero, Dalhousie University (Supervisor: Dr. Kelvin Fong)
- Sweating the Small Stuff: The Biomonitoring and Elimination of Fireground Carcinogens in the Sweat of Firefighters. PI: Dr. Crystal Sweeney, Dalhousie University.
- Prospective Recovery of Quality of Life in Young Adults Diagnosed with Cancer, PI: Geoff Eaton, Young Adult Cancer Canada
- Clinical Study and Identification of Muscle Atrophy Biomarkers. PI: Dr. Rafaela Andrade-Vieira, Dalhousie University.
- Identifying and Understanding the Gaps in Dementia Care. PI: Dr. Paula McLaughlin, Nova Scotia Health
- Predictive Modeling and Geographical Analysis of Cancer Incidence in the Atlantic Region. PI: Dr. Cindy Feng, Dalhousie University.
- Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence based Platform for Early Chronic Disease Risk Assessment and Prediction to Improve Population Health. Dr. Samina Abidi, Dalhousie University.
- Examining the Effects of Isolation on anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Levels during the Early Pandemic. PI: Megan Smith, Dalhousie University (Research in Medicine (RIM) / Student Project).
- EXCEL: Exercise for Cancer to Enhance Living Well Study. PI: Dr. Melanie Keats, Dalhousie University
- A Randomized Controlled Trial of Online Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) and Perceived Cognitive Impairment (PCI) in Cancer Survivors. PI: Dr. Sheila Garland, Memorial University
- SunFit Project: Investigating Sun Safety Behaviours, Beliefs and Skin Cancer- Related Knowledge and Risk Factors in the Canadian Population. PI: Dr. Ivan Litvinov, McGill University
- Sex Hormones and Women’s Health: Do Sex Hormones Increase the Risk of Hearing Loss, Alzheimer’s Disease, Depression, and Anxiety among Women? PI: Dr. Ashlyn Swift-Gallant, Memorial University
- Interactions between environmental factors, low-penetrant genetic susceptibilities, and colorectal cancer risk in Atlantic Canada. PI: Dr. Derrick Lee, St. Francis Xavier University
- Investigating the roles of radon exposure, air pollution, and diet on lung cancer risk in the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project. PI: Dr. Vicki Kirsh, University of Toronto.
- Evaluating the association between Cancer and Arsenic Exposure Using Toenail Speciation Biomarkers in the Atlantic PATH Cohort Study: Towards an Evidence-based Cancer Prevention and Control Strategy PI: Kalli Hood, Dalhousie University (supervised by Dr. Jong Sung Kim)
- Inflammation, Microbiome, and Alimentation: Gastro-Intestinal and Neuropsychiatric Effects: the IMAGINE-SPOR chronic disease network PI: Dr. Jennifer Jones, Dalhousie University
- Current Management and Health Care Quality for Patients with Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis PI: Dr. Cheryl Kozey
- Psychosocial factors and cancer incidence: a pre-planned meta-analysis of the PSYchosocial factors and CAncer (PSY-CA) consortium. PI: Dr. Joost Dekker, Amsterdam University Medical Center
- Comparative Analysis of Human Oral Microbiota associated with Chronic Disease Development in Participants of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project. PI: Dr. Johan Van Limbergen and Dr. Morgan Langille, Dalhousie University
- Cadmium, Arsenic and other Metal Exposures as Determinants of Prostate Cancer in the Canadian Atlantic provinces PI: Dr. Anil Adisesh, Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick and Dr. Trevor Dummer, University of British Columbia
- Routine Collection of Patient Reported Outcomes in Prostate Cancer PI: Dr. Gabriela Ilie, Dalhousie University
- Investigating the Association between Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Mental Health Outcomes in the Atlantic PATH Cohort Study PI: Chloe Blackman, Dalhousie University (supervised by Dr. Gabriela Ilie)
- Lifestyle Behaviours and Predictors of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Atlantic Canadians: An Exploratory Study PI: Dr. Daniel Stevens, Dalhousie University
- Measurement Methods for Lead in Toenails: Towards a Novel Biomonitoring of Occupational Exposure PI: Dr. Anil Adisesh, Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick and Dr. David Fleming, Mount Allison University
- Analysis of Human Biospecimens for Identification of Carcinogenic Pesticide-Derived N-Nitrosamines using a Semi-Targeted Approach PI: Crystal Sweeney, Dalhousie University (supervised by Dr. Jong Sung Kim)
- Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation and the Risk of Cancer Incidence: A Secondary Data Analysis of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow (CPTP) Cohort PI: Dr. Will King, Queen’s University
- Regional Comparisons of Associations between Physical Activity Levels and Cardiovascular Disease: The story of Atlantic Canada PI: Bartosz Orzel, Dalhousie University (supervised by Dr. Scott Grandy and Dr. Melanie Keats)
- Profiling contaminants in Nova Scotia drinking water PI: Gavin Kennedy, Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines
- Investigation of Biomarkers of Radiation Exposure in Radon Cohorts PI: Dr. Vinita Chauhan, Health Canada
- Occupational Physical Activity and Lung Cancer PI: Dr. Vikki Ho, Centre de recherche du CHUM
- Occupational Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Colorectal Cancer Risk PI: Dr. Vikki Ho, Centre de recherche du CHUM
- Toenail Biomarkers of Environmental Arsenic Exposure and Metabolism, and their Relation to Cervical Cancer PI: Nathan Smith and Dr. Jong Sung Kim, Dalhousie University
- Arsenic and Cancer Risk in Nova Scotia (Methods Detection Project: Laser Ablation ICP-MS, X-Ray Fluorescence and ICP-MS with speciation) PI: Dr. Trevor Dummer, University of British Columbia and Dr. Anil Adisesh, Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick
- Families Overcoming Risks Building Opportunities for Wellbeing (FORBOW) PI: Dr. Rudolf Uher, Dalhousie University
- Factors Associated with Healthy Diets: A Population-Based Study in Atlantic Canada PI: Christina Gu, University of British Columbia (supervised by Dr. Rachel Murphy)
- Adiponectin Levels in Atlantic Canadians with Cardiometabolic Risk PI: Dr. Vanessa DeClercq, Atlantic PATH and Dr. Roger McLeod, Dalhousie University
- Comparison of Adipokines and Inflammatory Markers in Obesity-related Arthritis PI: Dr. Vanessa DeClercq, Atlantic PATH
- Toenail Biomarkers of Environmental Arsenic Exposure and Metabolism, and their Relation to Skin, Lung, Bladder, and Kidney Cancer, and Type II Diabetes Mellitus PI: Nathan Smith, Dalhousie University (supervised by Dr. Jong Sung Kim)
- Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds: Development of Community Health and Health Services Profiles PI: Dr. Jack Tu, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Dr. Sonia Amand, McMaster University, and Dr. Matthias Friedrich, McGill University
- Variation in DNA Methylation in relation to Arsenic Exposure, Obesity and Smoking: Atlantic PATH Epigenetics Study PI: Dr. Ian Weaver, Dalhousie University and Dr. Trevor Dummer, University of British Columbia
- Pregnancy Characteristics and Maternal Long-Term Weight-Related Outcomes: A Cohort Study PI: Dr. Christy Woolcott, Dalhousie University