Healthy Future Sask Recruitment

Our colleagues at Healthy Future Sask are recruiting participants! Healthy Future Sask creates a platform and resource for fostering research in cancer and chronic disease prevention in Saskatchewan. Healthy Future Sask is looking to engage with more than 7000 Saskatchewan residents between the ages of 30 and 74 to participate in the study. Participants will be Read more about Healthy Future Sask Recruitment[…]

IWH Speaker Series

Many thanks to the Institute of Work and Health (IWH) for having Atlantic PATH Research Director, Dr. Ellen Sweeney at their Speaker Series today! IWH is a leader in work injury & disability prevention research. An independent, not-for-profit organization, IWH conducts and shares actionable research to promote, protect and improve the health and safety of Read more about IWH Speaker Series[…]

CanPath Webinar: COVID-19 Findings

CanPath Webinar: Real-World Insights on COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness and Infection Risk Factors from CanPath’s SUPPORT-Canada Study May 30th, 12-1pmEST/1-2pmAST Register: Join us for an in-depth analysis of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness based on real-world data from the SUrveying Prospective Population cOhorts for COVID-19 pRevalence and ouTcomes in Canada’ (SUPPORT-Canada) study. Led by Victoria Kirsh, this webinar will Read more about CanPath Webinar: COVID-19 Findings[…]

Genome BC’s Annual Genomics Forum – May 3, 2023

CanPath National Scientific Director, Dr. Philip Awadalla and BC Generations Scientific Director, Dr. Parveen Bhatti will be speaking in session 4, “All In: Using Large Population-Based Genomics Studies to Inform Patient Care.”  Wednesday, May 3rd: 3:00-4:30pm PST / 6:00-7:30EST / 7:00-8:30pmAST Registration: Session Description: “Large population-based studies have taken place in several countries. Examples include Read more about Genome BC’s Annual Genomics Forum – May 3, 2023[…]

New Microbiome Publication

Congratulations to our colleagues, Dr. Jacob Nearing, Dr. Vanessa DeClercq and Dr. Morgan Langille on their new microbiome publication!! “Investigating the Oral Microbiome in Retrospective and Prospective Cases of Prostate, Colon and Breast Cancer” utilizes saliva samples from Atlantic PATH and Alberta’s Tomorrow Project to consider potential biomarkers for cancer. Link to article in Nature Read more about New Microbiome Publication[…]

CIHR Environments and Health Signature Initiative Research Summit 2023

CanPath Executive Director, Dr. John McLaughlin and co-National Scientific Director, Dr. Philip Awadalla at the Environments & Health Research Summit in a participatory panel on Strengthening Canada’s Environments & Health Research Profile. Dr. Awadalla presented on the impact of genes and environment on metabolic disease from Day 1. Check out the recording: Background: “The CIHR Environments and Read more about CIHR Environments and Health Signature Initiative Research Summit 2023[…]

Changing the narrative of lung cancer to improve prevention for non-smokers

Congratulations to Dr. Robin Urquhart and team on their successful funding from the Canadian Cancer Society to examine the effects of environmental exposures in non-smokers to detect lung cancer earlier. Lung cancer is most often linked to smoking, but can also occur in people who have never smoked because of exposure to arsenic, radon gas Read more about Changing the narrative of lung cancer to improve prevention for non-smokers[…]

CanPath Researcher Feature – Ace Chan

Check out CanPath’s Researcher Feature of University of British Columbia School of Population and Public Health’s PhD student, Ace Chan.  Ace’s research interests include sexual and gender minority (SGM) health, creating inclusive and accessible healthcare spaces for SGM folks, and they strive towards providing scientific evidence to achieve health equity in marginalized populations. Ace’s research Read more about CanPath Researcher Feature – Ace Chan[…]

Webinar: Using the Canadian Parternship for Tomorrow’s Health to Identify the Earliest Determinants of Disease Evolution and Aging

Join us on Thursday, March 30th at 9am EST (10amAST) to learn about using the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health to identify the earliest determinants of disease evolution and aging. Registration details: Properly consented population cohorts are incredibly valuable for studying the factors associated with aging and disease before the first diseases are diagnosed. In Read more about Webinar: Using the Canadian Parternship for Tomorrow’s Health to Identify the Earliest Determinants of Disease Evolution and Aging[…]

The Ontario Public Health Convention (TOPHC)

Dr. Ellen Sweeney (Research Director, Atlantic PATH) and Dr. Victoria Kirsh (Scientific Associate, Ontario Health Study) were pleased to attend the Ontario Public Health Convention (TOPHC) on behalf of CanPath. Dr. Sweeney presented on CanPath’s resources for research on chronic disease and cancer and Dr. Kirsh presented on risk factors for COVID-19 infection among CanPath Read more about The Ontario Public Health Convention (TOPHC)[…]