Administrative Health Data Services in the Maritimes Webinar

Join the Maritime SPOR Support Unit to learn about accessing data administrative health data with Health Data Nova Scotia and the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training, including linked data sources from Atlantic PATH and the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging! Thursday, Oct 17th, 12-1pm AST Registration:

Health Data Nova Scotia & Atlantic PATH – Linked Data

We were happy to attend the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit Lunch and Learn webinar today! Health Data Nova Scotia presented about their data holdings including new datasets from Atlantic PATH and Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging / Étude longitudinale canadienne sur le vieillissement in 2024. It also covered the role of Health Data Research Network Read more about Health Data Nova Scotia & Atlantic PATH – Linked Data[…]

Pan-Canadian Cancer Data Strategy

The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) have launched the Pan-Canadian Cancer Data Strategy that will guide efforts to enhance the collection, integration and use of cancer data. “CPAC and CCS have worked with various partners, including provincial and territorial cancer agencies and programs, healthcare organizations, First Nations, Inuit and Métis partners, Read more about Pan-Canadian Cancer Data Strategy[…]

CBC News Article

A Dalhousie University and McMaster University led project is highlighted in a recent CBC article. The New Frontiers in Research Fund supported research is focused on disparities in cancer incidence and outcomes in a Black Nova Scotian community (Shelburne, Nova Scotia). This research is truly interdisciplinary, incorporating natural and social sciences to consider the role of Read more about CBC News Article[…]

CanPath Access Office Hours

The CanPath Access Office invites researchers to an Office Hours session. This virtual series provides researchers with an opportunity to ask questions about CanPath data and biosamples and the access process. Members of the Access Office will be available to answer questions and demonstrate how to navigate the CanPath Portal and online application. Registration:  

The Ontario Public Health Convention (TOPHC)

Dr. Ellen Sweeney (Research Director, Atlantic PATH) and Dr. Victoria Kirsh (Scientific Associate, Ontario Health Study) were pleased to attend the Ontario Public Health Convention (TOPHC) on behalf of CanPath. Dr. Sweeney presented on CanPath’s resources for research on chronic disease and cancer and Dr. Kirsh presented on risk factors for COVID-19 infection among CanPath Read more about The Ontario Public Health Convention (TOPHC)[…]