Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Logo

CanPath Research Round-Up: Prostate Cancer Awareness

For September 2022’s #ProstateCancerAwarenessMonth, we shared insights across our social media channels from prostate cancer studies by CanPath researchers. Thanks to rich data from over 330,000 volunteer participants and researchers’ efforts, we can help change the future of prostate cancer! CanPath’s Research Round-Up highlights work on prostate cancer from Atlantic PATH and collaborators using our Read more about CanPath Research Round-Up: Prostate Cancer Awareness[…]

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

This #ProstateCancerAwarenessMonth, we’re sharing insights from recent studies from researchers across Canada. Today, we’re sharing findings from Sheida Majouni, PhD candidate from Dalhousie University! In 2022, Majouni and colleagues applied machine learning to arsenic species and metal profiles of toenails from Atlantic PATH. They aimed to understand environmental metal’s potential to produce disease, specifically prostate cancer: “Artificial Read more about Prostate Cancer Awareness Month[…]